I'm getting in my Apache Error Log file:
   (offline mode: enter name=value pairs on standard input)

Thing is, this is from an Apache Perl module using mod_perl, not from a CGI
using CGI.pm (as this line is printed to stderr when you supposedly run a CGI
from the command prompt).

Now, all I can think, is that somehow it's being triggered due to my use of
CGI::Cookie, for creating cookies & such. The only operations I do are cookie
ones: CGI::Cookie->new, and CGI::Cookie->parse, where the created cookies are
used in the usual header_out to set the Set-Cookie header.

So, I'm not referencing anything from CGI other than the Cookie stuff, which it
says can be used independently of the main CGI stuff.

Anyone have any ideas what's going on? Is it a stuff-up in CGI.pm? Or am I
doing something wrong elsewhere I've missed? This problem has only manifested
recently, probably to do with upgrades of versions (as well as other changes,
such as a Solaris->Debian OS shift, etc...)

. Trevor Phillips             -           http://jurai.murdoch.edu.au/ . 
: CWIS Systems Administrator     -           [EMAIL PROTECTED] : 
| IT Services                       -               Murdoch University | 
 >------------------- Member of the #SAS# & #CFC# --------------------<
| On nights such as this, evil deeds are done. And good deeds, of     /
| course. But mostly evil, on the whole.                             /
 \      -- (Terry Pratchett, Wyrd Sisters)                          /

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