On Wed, 31 May 2000, Perrin Harkins wrote:

Thanks for the reply. I have a few problems though:

> You need to read up a little on modules and "require" in Perl5.
> The quick and dirty solution is to use "do" instead of require.  That will
> solve your immediate problem, but you'll still be reading the files every
> time which might eventually become a performance hit.

I can't seem to get "do" to work. I did this:

my $series_name;
do "series_$series.i"; # <-- note include filename depends on a variable
print "$series_name\n";

but $series_name comes out undefined, even though series_$series.i (in
this case, series_ranma.i) sets $series_name.

I also tried the package thing:

> What I do when I have things like config files is make actual unique
> packages of them.  For example:
> (In My/Module.pm)
> package My::Module;
> # don't use strict here
> $foo = 7;
> (In some other program)
> use My::Module;
> print "$My::Module::foo\n";

How would this work if the include filename has to depend on a variable? I
think I have the parsing wrong; I kept getting error messages. e.g.
something like:

use $series;
print "$$series::series_name\n";

> Honestly though, your example makes it look like you'd be better off with
> dbm files and Tie::MLDBM or something.

The database files would have to be human readable though, such that they
can be edited by a text editor. The data that I am making includes an
index to content that is maintained by other webmasters. The other
webmasters don't even know how to use a UNIX shell, so I have to keep it
simple for them. If I used a binary file format I'd have to make them
learn the tools for changing it.


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