> Theres a problem with that however...it assumes you use mySQL.  I use Oracle,
> and it doesn't provide that functionality; you need to alter the INSERT or
> UPDATE statements to include passing a SYSDATE into the timestamp field. 
> 'Course, you could create a trigger that adds the SYSDATE after an insert or
> update, but thats not really elegant...and PL_SQL really sucks
> (warning...flamebait)

While perhaps the syntax "timestamp" suggested that I only meant that this
would work for MySQL, I didn't.  I figured that people could mentally
substitute in whatever the equivalent was for their dbms.  I know that
there is are equivalents for Postgresql and MS SQL Server (the other 2
dbms' I've worked with), and I figure that most should have something like
this.  I'm surprised to hear that Oracle makes it _that_ hard to get at this
kind of functionality.

Oh well... we've all got fights to fight.

Here's another possible approach to the problem them...

Put datetime information _inside_ the session, and then run a crom job
every time that opens up _every_ session, checks against the datetime
info, and deletes based on that information.

Isn't life ugly when you don't have a timestamp type in your dbms? :-)


 Richard Dice * Personal 514 816 9568 * Fax 514 816 9569
 ShadNet Creator * http://shadnet.shad.ca/ * [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Occasional Writer, HotWired * http://www.hotwired.com/webmonkey/
     "squeeze the world 'til it's small enough to join us heel to toe"
         - jesus jones

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