hi all...

this simple script:


my $r = shift;
$r->err_headers_out->add('Set-Cookie' => "name=error");
warn "pre headers_out: " . $r->headers_out->get('Set-Cookie');


warn "post headers_out: " . $r->headers_out->get('Set-Cookie');
print "done";

pre headers_out:  at /usr/local/apache/perl-bin/err.cgi line 7.
post headers_out: name=error at /usr/local/apache/perl-bin/err.cgi line 9.

and sets the cookie...

I was initially trying to create a PerlInitHandler to put a cookie in
err_headers_out, which I would expect to be set only if other handlers down
the line error out, but it was being set every request.

am I misunderstanding err_headers_out, or is send_http_header misbehaving? 


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