Folks let me stress a little point (or a big, depending on how you look at
this), I'm in no way try to discourage Geoff for creating yet another cool
module. It's just that lately I read too much info about sites being
hacked thru bugs in CGI code. Here is a must read, if you didn't read it

  System Administration, Networking and Security (SANS) Institute
  published a list of exploits most often used to gain illegal access to
  network servers.

Vulnerable CGI programs are on the 2nd place of the topten exploits!!!
Vulnerable CGI programs are on the 2nd place of the topten exploits!!!
Vulnerable CGI programs are on the 2nd place of the topten exploits!!!

No, it's not a typo, I repeated it for you to pay attention.

Now you understand why I'm against modules, that in hands of clueless and
careless users will turns into trojan horses and alike, causing
Perl/mod_perl/Apache projects at separate or all together to be blamed for
no reason. It's a known fact that with Perl you can shoot your toes off,
but I don't see a reason to replace this gun's trigger with a sensor

It's a time for a challenge!!!

Check the vulnerability of the Apache:: modules, before the bad guys will. 
Sounds like a really cool idea to learn the CGI security with! It should
be very exciting to go to all those hacker sites, learn the known exploit
and break in techniques, and than to try to apply them to Apache::
modules. Of course doing that at home, so you won't be put in jail.

If you take the challenge and spot vulnerabilities, I personally promise
to post your name(s) on the as a honorable ghostbuster!!!

So we've got the name for the project already 'mod_perl ghostbusters' :) 
Now are there fearless people in our tribe? That's the question... 

Stas Bekman              JAm_pH     --   Just Another mod_perl Hacker       mod_perl Guide 

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