you can use sort, of the values are hashes or indexes:

foreach ( sort { $a->{name} cmp $b->{name} keys %hash )
foreach ( sort { $a->[0] cmp $b->[0] keys %hash )

  o _
 /|/ |           Jerrad Pierce             \ | __|_ _|
 /||/           .  | _|   |
 \||          _.-~-._.-~-._.-~-._@"      _|\_|___|___|

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Drew Taylor [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Tuesday, June 06, 2000 14:56
> To: Ken Miller
> Cc: modperl
> Subject: Re: Data structure question
> Ken Miller wrote:
> > 
> > Well, if the keys are unique, you could just return a 
> hashref, and then
> > access it using sorted keys:
> > 
> > foreach( sort keys %$HR ) {
> >         ## insert useful stuff here
> > }
> If only I could just use sort. :-) The order could be completely
> arbitrary, based on search parameters, individual rankings, etc.
> > >Are there any de-referenceing issues (performance wise) 
> that would make
> > >this less efficient than the 2 structures? TIA for any pointers.
> My guess was that whatever overhead there was with de-referencing, it
> would more than make up for it in the memory usage. And since I'm
> running mod_perl with perl's malloc(), the extra memory doesn't get
> returned until the child exists.
> > Probably not, except your method takes more mems, since 
> you're returning an
> > extra array.  'Course, the sort takes mems as well, but not 
> as much as the
> > extra array.
> > 
> > And, there is the overhead of sorting the keys.
> > I think an array of hashref's is probably the best bet.  
> Then you can use
> > the DBs sort, and just build the array on the fly, once.
> > 
> > For the site I'm working on, I return a reference to a 
> ResultSet object
> > which through the next() method returns the next row in the 
> result set:
> That is a very neat idea. From a logical point of view, I like it.
> However, in my case that would be unnecessary overkill. I'll file it
> away for future use. :-)
> -- 
> Drew Taylor
> Vialogix Communications, Inc.
> 501 N. College Street
> Charlotte, NC 28202
> 704 370 0550

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