Matt Sergeant wrote:
> On Wed, 7 Jun 2000, Stas Bekman wrote:
> > Ok, you'd get surprised on this one. I cannot make benchmark show me
> > unbuffered output worse than buffered. Anyone can tell me why? there is
> > ap_flash call after each print in the unbuffered case, how comes the
> > results are the same?
> I assume that's ap_flush ;-)

Right, hey Doug, how about implementing the real ap_flash :) wired to the
digital cam :)

> I'd guess this is probably OS dependant to do with socket libraries and
> such. But I'm just guessing. It's probably also to do with the size of the
> output.

Argh, but then I don't know what to do with this section... From one side
I claim that you shouldn't use $|=1, from the other side the benchmark
shows no difference (in the handler) can anyone prove it different? Using
a different OS maybe? I did mine on linux of course... Thanks a lot!
> I'm sorry I flamed the original benchmark, but now you've done some more
> real tests, I'm not sorry, if you see what I mean ;-)

Oh, no, Matt. I post these to learn the real world application and
truthfulness of my benchmarks. Otherwise what's the point of having a
great benchmarking results when in reallity the application is slow. So
critics are absolutely wonderful, even if they raise the heat. In
arguments the truth gets born... or not :) 

Stas Bekman              JAm_pH     --   Just Another mod_perl Hacker       mod_perl Guide 

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