"Steffers" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Drew wrote:
> > Well, it's the end of a long day on a long week - does that get me off
> > the hook? Note to self:  double check your memory next time. :-)
> yup, its been a long long week alright.
> On the downside, i +still+ cant get the cookies to work,
> although after faking a session via telnet it seems to work
> jst fine. Set-Cookie and everything. It +seems+ to be setting
> the cookie, but Apache is claiming that the browser doesnt
> like them (and yes, i have double checked that cookies are
> enabled on our netscape clients ;). I think its probably something
> to do with the layout of the servers dirctories. FeH! 

When dealing with cookie problems, it can be helpful to use a 'HTTP
protocol sniffer'. You configure your browser to use the sniffer as a
proxy, which will be sitting between the server and The client and
allows you to 'listen in' on the HTTP conversation. 

There are probably a lot of tools that can do this, I have used
wsnitch which has a nice GTK-based UI, and a perl script (webproxy.pl)
made by Randal Schwartz.

Vegard Vesterheim               : Phone: +47 73593002
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