On Fri, 9 Jun 2000, Damon Buckwalter wrote:
> I'm sorry, please excuse my previous laziness...  Here's all the info I can
> gather:

if you compile with PERL_DEGUG=1, the stacktrace will give more info.
looks like the call to Apache::warn, the problem probably goes away with
this bandaid.

--- PerlRun.pm  2000/06/01 21:07:56     1.29
+++ PerlRun.pm  2000/06/09 18:38:00
@@ -226,7 +226,7 @@
 #XXX not good enough yet
 my(%switches) = (
    'T' => sub {
-       Apache::warn("Apache::PerlRun: T switch ignored, ".
+       warn("Apache::PerlRun: T switch ignored, ".
                    "enable with 'PerlTaintCheck On'\n")
           unless $Apache::__T; "";

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