On Mon, 29 May 2000, Ariel Manzur wrote:

> I need Apache to do this: always ask for basic authentication, and then
> accept any conbination of username/password as correct, and set an
> enviroment variable with the password sent on the request, so I can
> retrieve that on a CGI script, and do the real authentication there.
> I couldn't find a way to do that with the 'standard' apache modules, so I
> have to write one, and I have some questions:
> - is that any module that alredy does that? :)
> - Can anyone point me to a "real life" example, or guide, on how to write
> and install a module using mod_perl? I use perl a lot, but I could find
> "easy" documentation on how to write modules (I don't want to read a _huge_
> man page for this simple task)

What is wrong with using the skeleton in Chapter 6 of the Eagle book
(Example 6-6)?

J. J. Horner
Apache, Perl, Unix, Linux
[EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.knoxlug.org/

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