I see. That explains it..
Perhaps it would be nice just to put a note about this in the
Apache::Session documentation..


Ken Miller wrote:
> At 03:13 AM 6/10/00 +0200, Jure Simsic wrote:
> >I'm tryng to use Apache::Session and store a bunch of data into a
> >(complex) hash (using FileStore). The weirdest thing, that made me
> >banging my head for a while was, that when i first initialised the
> >session, everything was stored fine. But after restoring it and trying
> >to update it, nothing got updated..
> >
> >At first it seemed thar it was some weird kind of perl/Apache::Session
> >thing, that it didn't get updated because i was working on a refference
> >on the hash
> >(~ $ref=\$session{key1}; $$ref{foo}="bar";..)
> >And I put it all back to lengthy writing ($session{key1}{foo}="bar"),
> >hoping that it will help but of course, it didn't. It did seem a bit odd
> >in the first place..
> >
> >Then i was going nowhere for a while, until i put at the end, just
> >before untie-ing the hash, $session{TIMESTAMP} = time(); and magically
> >everything got updated and back to normal!!???
> >
> >Hello? Is there something I'm missing?? Isn't that just plain weird or
> >is there something deeper?
> The session hash reference is a tied var.  When you follow a reference past
> the first level, the tied methods don't get invoked.  When you update the
> top level (as you did with the time()) you cause the tied methods to be
> invoked, and subsequently, the data is stored.
> The last thing I do in my handlers, right before I untie the hash, is to
> update a timestamp, just as you did.
> Hope that explains it.
> Cheers!
>         -klm.
> +----------------------------------+---------------------------------------+
> | Kenneth L. Miller, Consultant    | "And as you rise above the fearlines  |
> | Shetland Software Services Inc.  |  in the frown you look down, hear     |
> | [EMAIL PROTECTED]         |  the sound of the faces in the crowd" |
> |                                  |        - Fearless, Pink Floyd         |
> +----------------------------------+---------------------------------------+

Jure Simsic

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