Matt Sergeant wrote:

> OK then, try this:
> for ($s = Apache->server; $s; $s = $s->next) {
>         my ($server, $port) = ($s->server_hostname, $s->port);
>         $r->print('server: ', $server, "\n");
>         $r->print('port: ', $port, "\n");
>         my $subreq = $r->lookup_uri("http://$server:$port/");
>         $r->print('variable value: ', $subreq->dir_config('SomePerlVariable'), "\n");
> }

Ah.  But what if the server is running SSL - or what if the root page is
protected by basic or some other such form of auth or access control?  I
can work up some elaborate setup in which a request from the server's own
IP address will pass all these checks.  Or I can push auth modules that
return OK on non-main requests.

But this is pretty scary--and hard to maintain as servers change IP ad-
dresses or DNS names shift (yes, we can handle the address/name shifts
via <Perl> sections, but this seems overkill for what [I had thought]
would be a simple problem that should have been an easy solve).

(As you said, one would think that dir_config [called on a server object]
should have done the trick.)

Richard Goerwitz                                [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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