Hi.. this is very helpful.. thanks.. :-)

Now, I have one last question. Where do I put the "pachage Test::AuthAny" code?

At 09:24 13/06/2000 -0400, darren chamberlain wrote:
>> I need apache to do this: always ask for authentication, accept any
>> username/password as valid, and set an enviroment variable with the
>> password, so I can retrieve it on a CGI script later. I wrote this code:
>You're on the right track; put this code into it's own module, and run it.
>This should work:
>package Test::AuthAny;
>use strict;
>use Apache::Constants qw( OK AUTH_REQUIRED );
>sub handler {
>    my $r = shift;
>    my ($u,$p) = ($r->connection->user,($r->get_basic_auth_pw)[1]); 
>    if ($u && $p) {
>        $r->subprocess_env(USERNAME => $u);
>        $r->subprocess_env(PASSWORD => $p);
>        return OK;
>    } else {
>        $r->note_basic_auth_failure;
>        $r->log_reason("username and password don't match");
>        return AUTH_REQUIRED;
>    }
>Install it as a PerlAuthenHandler for /auth/ like so:
><Location /auth>
>    # Any other directievs you might have here already ...
>    AuthType          Basic
>    AuthName          "Name of the Authentcation Realm" 
>    require           valid-user
>    PerlAuthenHandler Test::AuthAny
>Now, from your CGI scripts, or SSI's, or whatever, you can grab $ENV{USERNAME}
>and $ENV{PASSWORD} and use them.
>> Thanks.. Bye.
>> Ariel.
>There are worse things in life than death. Have you ever spent an
>evening with an insurance salesman?
>-- Woody Allen

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