Jonas Nordström wrote:
> Is there some form of XSL-module for mod-perl?
> I want to send some XML as a response to the Apache-server and then have it
> picked up by an Apache module that uses an XSL-template to render it in HTML
> or WML based on the original URL. Is that possible?

If you want my latest .19 dev Apache::ASP with XSLT built-in,
just ask and I'll send it over.  With 

  PerlSetVar XSLT $file.xsl 

specified Apache::ASP runs XML files as ASP scripts, and then 
uses XML::XSLT to transform the XML output with the XSL file.

With PerlSetVar XSLTCacheSize specified, XSLT transformations
will be cached with Tie::Cache, for a huge speedup on XML
output that is unchanging.  The XSLT DOM is cached regardless.

I have heard complaints about XML::XSLT, but since I have
been working with Geert on the module these past months,
it has increased in rendering speed by a factor of 3, 
there is a real OO interface, and DOM memory garbage
collection is production worthy.

Let me know if you'd like to test things out.  The only
thing missing is adequate documentation.

-- Joshua
Joshua Chamas                           Chamas Enterprises Inc.
NodeWorks >> free web link monitoring   Huntington Beach, CA  USA                1-714-625-4051

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