On Sat, Jun 17, 2000 at 09:16:25AM -0400, Barrie Slaymaker wrote:
> > 
> > Is this a know bug?  Is there a bug?
> Not that I know of, did you check the archives?

Yes but I didn't find the answer I was looking for.  

I also checked out the guide's Forking and Executing Subprocesses .... 
and ... Apache::SubProccess.

Apache::SubProccess just hung for me, if I have more time I'll check it out

> > Is it right in front of my face?
> Something seems odd to me, see below, but it shouldn't be causing you
> too much grief.
> First, to educate me, what's encrypt do differently than Perl's crypt?
> why not
>    crypt $pass, salt() ;

encrypt allows me to use the Blowfish version of crypt; 
128 bits vs 12 bits.

> ?
> <PLUG MODULE="IPC::Run" AUTHOR="me" MODE="shameless">
> If you want to play with it, IPC::Run's up on CPAN and this might make
> your routine simpler and more debuggable.  You'd do something like this to
> use it (untested):
>     use IPC::Run qw( run ) ;
>     sub encrypt {
>         my $pass = shift; 
>         my $crypt;
>         run [qw(/usr/bin/encrypt', -b), salt()], \$pass, \$crypt
>            or die "Can't run '/usr/bin/encrypt': $!" ;
>         chomp $crypt;
>         return $crypt ;
>     }   
> The semantic of &run's return value are what you, or at least I, would
> expect.  Then, to get a clue about what's happening under the hood, just
> add a {debug=>1} to &run's params:
>         run [qw(/usr/bin/encrypt', -b), salt()], \$pass, \$crypt, {debug=>1}
>            or die "Can't run '/usr/bin/encrypt': $!" ;
> and see what happens.  Increase the debug level to 2 or 3 if need be,
> and it probably will be.
> This is a beta module though, so there might be gotchas.  One is that I'm
> soon going to remove '{'...'}' hash constructors around the debug=>2.
> </PLUG>

Thanks, I'll check it out.

> Here's what seems odd:
> >         open2(\*ENCRD, \*ENCWR, "/usr/bin/encrypt $args")
> >         or die("Can't open2: '/usr/bin/encrypt': $!");
> >From the IPC::Open2 man page:
>            use IPC::Open2;
>            $pid = open2(\*RDRFH, \*WTRFH, 'some cmd and args');
>              # or without using the shell
>     <snip>
>        open2() returns the process ID of the child process.  It
>        doesn't return on failure: it just raises an exception
>        matching `/^open2:/'.  However, `exec' failures in the
>        child are not detected.  You'll have to trap SIGPIPE your-
>        self.
> I don't see how this could this be contributing to your grief, though.
> I take it there's no spoor in the error_log?

regrardless, open2 will warn on failure.  Checking 'wait' and '$?' will tell 
me if the command failed. But something screwy is going on inside of mod_perl.
I'd feel better if I knew what mod__perl was doing with the handles and why
the info was being dropped on the way back.

I also tried Symbol::gensym, Apache::gensym, and autoviv ... ... no diff.

> As a performance note, have you considered passing the command line as
> a list like
>     qw(/usr/bin/encrypt -b ), &salt )
> in place of the string?  That way the &exec in &open2 is not invoking
> a subshell.  Also, if $pass comes from a user, what if they type in
> `mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] /etc/passwd`?

the $pass is checked long before it makes it to the shell. 

Well time is too valuable, so my solution for right now is to have a local 
socket daemon run the encrypt command for me.  Just have to remember to 
have the daemon running ...

Thanks for your reply and help.  


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