just a few things:

I think I remember discussing that using 

%hash = $r->headers_out

didn't work with multiple Set-Cookie fields in the header.  IIRC, the
discussion yielded 

@array = $r->headers_out

as solving the problem.  Although the eagle book says to call headers_out in
a list or scalar context, the example shows a hash.

Are people using hashes or arrays here? (I use Apache::Table myself :)

also, I noticed that $r->pnotes() and $r->server->loglevel() are not


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Andrew Ford [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Wednesday, June 14, 2000 5:12 AM
> Subject: ANNOUNCE: new draft mod_perl quick reference card
> I have just updated the mod_perl quick reference card for mod_perl
> version 1.24 and would be grateful for any comments and corrections
> before I announce it more widely and put it in the normal location.
> This draft version can be downloaded from:
> http://www.refcards.com/download/drafts/mod_perl-refcard.ps   
> (PostScript)
> http://www.refcards.com/download/drafts/mod_perl-refcard.pdf  (PDF)
> Please don't link to these locations as the files will move when I'm
> happy with them (and be replaced with A4, US letter and full 
> page versions).
> (Note that the fonts may be a bit strange on these cards, especially
> on the PDF version).
> Regards
> Andrew
> -- 
> Andrew Ford,  Director       Ford & Mason Ltd           +44 
> 1531 829900 (tel)
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]      South Wing, Compton House  +44 
> 1531 829901 (fax)
> http://www.ford-mason.co.uk  Compton Green, Redmarley   +44 
> 385 258278 (mobile)
> http://www.refcards.com      Gloucester, GL19 3JB, UK   

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