Gac Corp wrote:
> but udp socket dies.

Does it open the socket ok?   How long until it dies?  Is it forking again in the
C program (perhaps to daemonize)?  If you want to instrument your code to see when
the filehandle goes away, here's some sample Perl code I use for debugging IPC::Run
that you could port to C if it would help (it's invaluable):

sub _map_fds {
   my $map = '' ;
   my $digit = 0 ;
   my $in_use ;
   for my $fd (0..63) {
      ## I'd like a quicker way (less user, cpu & expecially sys and kernal
      ## calls) to detect open file descriptors.  Let me know...
      my $test_fd = POSIX::dup( $fd ) ;
      $in_use = defined $test_fd ;
      POSIX::close $test_fd if $in_use ;
      $map .= $in_use ? $digit : '-';
      $digit = 0 if ++$digit > 9 ;
   warn "No fds open???" unless $map =~ /1/ ;
   $map =~ s/(.{1,12})-*$/$1/ ;
   return $map ;

You could use a couple of fdopen()s instead of the dup() if you care about r/w.

To rule out parent process interaction, you might sleep()ing just after the fork()
in the parent to see if the child's socket lasts longer, but I can't see how the
parent process doesn't interfere with the tcp child when it does with the udp.

Is the udp child process fully separating from the controlling terminal?

- Barrie

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