Solved my own problem -- read other modules config with:

   Apache::ModuleConfig->get($r, 'Apache::other_module')

Since that means each module has to figure out whether it's reading it's 
own directives or it's neighbors, this mechanism in this case is kind of 
cludgy.  Can I get both modules to actually read the same directives?


--On 06/20/00 23:24:23 +0000 Rob Tanner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I have two different but related modules to be installed on the same
> server.  Both of them need access to the same database and run as the
> same admin user.  Since one of the items each needs to know is a password
> that is root protected, configuration is done through custom directives
> rather than PerlSetVar.
> Both modules are setup to read the same series of configuration
> directives when the server intializes, but the last declared (PerlModule
> name) wins out and the first declared doesn't get a look see.  I am
> simply replicating the mechanisms discussed in the eagle book, chapter
> #8, and declaring the same directives in each module.  Each module works
> fine by itself, so I assume there's some trick to it, or multiple modules
> and one set of directives can't be done.  Help!!!
> -- Rob
>        _ _ _ _           _    _ _ _ _ _
>       /\_\_\_\_\        /\_\ /\_\_\_\_\_\
>      /\/_/_/_/_/       /\/_/ \/_/_/_/_/_/  QUIDQUID LATINE DICTUM SIT,
>     /\/_/__\/_/ __    /\/_/    /\/_/          PROFUNDUM VIDITUR
>    /\/_/_/_/_/ /\_\  /\/_/    /\/_/
>   /\/_/ \/_/  /\/_/_/\/_/    /\/_/         (Whatever is said in Latin
>   \/_/  \/_/  \/_/_/_/_/     \/_/              appears profound)
>   Rob Tanner
>   McMinnville, Oregon

       _ _ _ _           _    _ _ _ _ _
      /\_\_\_\_\        /\_\ /\_\_\_\_\_\
     /\/_/_/_/_/       /\/_/ \/_/_/_/_/_/  QUIDQUID LATINE DICTUM SIT,
    /\/_/__\/_/ __    /\/_/    /\/_/          PROFUNDUM VIDITUR
   /\/_/_/_/_/ /\_\  /\/_/    /\/_/
  /\/_/ \/_/  /\/_/_/\/_/    /\/_/         (Whatever is said in Latin
  \/_/  \/_/  \/_/_/_/_/     \/_/              appears profound)

  Rob Tanner
  McMinnville, Oregon

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