On Wed, 21 Jun 2000, Scott Thomason wrote:
> So, given that, here's the question again: why would you choose
> Apache::Registry over FastCGI?

If you're developing from scratch, why would you choose Apache::Registry
at all when you can write directly to the Apache API with a mod_perl

But that's beside the point.  If you search the Geocrawler archive (I
prefer the one at Swarthmore, but it's down right now) you'll get about
200 hits back for "fastcgi" and you'll probably get some on the fastcgi
archive searching for "mod_perl".  There's a fair amount of commentary
there on both sides.

The conclusion I reached was that running mod_perl with a reverse proxy in
front of it was nearly identical to running fastcgi, but there are more
interesting modules available for mod_perl at this point, and a larger
developer community.  I don't know if things like the debugger and
profiler work with fastcgi, but they do work with mod_perl.  There are
lots of CPAN modules to do things you'll probably want, like Apache::SSI,
Apache::Status, Apache::Resource, Apache::Request, etc.

My caveat is that I've never put a fastcgi system into production so I
have only a passing familiarity with it.

- Perrin

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