prepare all your database handles only once!  
read:  perldoc DBI
vassst improvements will be noticed.  Even if you 
don't use Perl, the theory is the same.

I usually make a global-prepared-statement hash for each child and run
the prepares in a BEGIN block.

%prepped  = { table => $dbh->prepare("select foo, bar from table where
        table2 => $dbh->prepare("select foo, bar, moo from table2 where

       The DBI allows an application to `prepare' statements for
       later execution.  A prepared statement is identified by a
       statement handle.  We'll call the perl variable $sth.

       Typical method call sequence for a select statement:

           execute, fetch, fetch, ...
           execute, fetch, fetch, ...
           execute, fetch, fetch, ...


Jason Murphy wrote:
> Would know some tips for DataBases? That URL you posted I had applied to
> some of my webservers and they do improve Net in many cases, not just High
> Volume servers.
> --
> Jason Murphy
> Web Developer and Systems and Database Administrator
> URL:
> --------------------------------------------------------------
> - Legal Industry Marketing for the 21st Century
> Phone: 800-397-3743                         Fax: 800-220-4546
> --------------------------------------------------------------
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Rudy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Tuesday, June 20, 2000 9:28 PM
> Subject: hello world benchmarks...
> >
> > Here are some new stats for Joshua's benchmarks:
> >
> > ------------------------------------------
> > Machine:
> > OS: FreeBSD 4.0-STABLE
> > cpu: PII-300
> > session: no
> > client: ab
> > From: local
> > Notes:  I had to tune the TCP/IP stack...
> >   FreeBSD straight off the web does not
> >   have settings good for ab tests or high
> >   traffice websites. Here are some of the
> >   tweaks I made:
> >
> >
> text/1999/freebsd-net/19990725.freebsd-net
> > ------------------------------------------
> >
> >
> > ------------------------------------------
> > Test one:
> > webserver: Apache 1.3.12/mod_perl 1.23
> > application: mod_perl
> > ------------------------------------------
> > Server Software:        Apache/1.3.12
> > Server Hostname:        localhost
> > Server Port:            80
> >
> > Document Path:          /hello
> > Document Length:        11 bytes
> >
> > Concurrency Level:      5
> > Time taken for tests:   30.008 seconds
> > Complete requests:      10540
> > Failed requests:        0
> > Total transferred:      1634165 bytes
> > HTML transferred:       115973 bytes
> > Requests per second:    351.24
> > Transfer rate:          54.46 kb/s received
> >
> > Connnection Times (ms)
> >               min   avg   max
> > Connect:        0     3    12
> > Processing:     6    10    51
> > Total:          6    13    63
> >
> > ------------------------------------------
> > Test two:
> > webserver: Apache 1.3.12/mod_perl 1.23
> > application: static_html
> > ------------------------------------------
> > Server Software:        Apache/1.3.12
> > Server Hostname:        localhost
> > Server Port:            80
> >
> > Document Path:          /h.htm
> > Document Length:        12 bytes
> >
> > Concurrency Level:      5
> > Time taken for tests:   30.003 seconds
> > Complete requests:      19603
> > Failed requests:        0
> > Total transferred:      5803968 bytes
> > HTML transferred:       235296 bytes
> > Requests per second:    653.37
> > Transfer rate:          193.45 kb/s received
> >
> > Connnection Times (ms)
> >               min   avg   max
> > Connect:        0     1    10
> > Processing:     4     6    17
> > Total:          4     7    27
> >
> > ------------------------------------------
> > Test three:
> > webserver: Apache 1.3.12 (different httpd with no mod_perl!)
> > application: static_html
> > ------------------------------------------
> > Server Software:        Apache/1.3.12
> > Server Hostname:        localhost
> > Server Port:            80
> >
> > Document Path:          /h.htm
> > Document Length:        12 bytes
> >
> > Concurrency Level:      5
> > Time taken for tests:   30.004 seconds
> > Complete requests:      20605
> > Failed requests:        0
> > Total transferred:      5275648 bytes
> > HTML transferred:       247296 bytes
> > Requests per second:    686.74
> > Transfer rate:          175.83 kb/s received
> >
> > Connnection Times (ms)
> >               min   avg   max
> > Connect:        0     1    26
> > Processing:     3     5     7
> > Total:          3     6    33

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