
I am in big troubles compiling mod_perl 1.23 with apache 1.3.12 on SuSE 6.4.

I have tried to compile mod_perl statically into httpd using axps. I have
received httpd file much bigger than an "empty" one, but httpd didn't know
anything about mod_perl directives inside httpd.conf (it complained about
not loaded shared module, but that wqs not what I was doing in that time).

Then I have tried to compile mod_perl as DSO module, but this time when I
added "AddModule mod_perl.c" into http.conf (after the "LoadModule
perl_module libexec/libperl.so" line, of course), Netscape stopped to show
ANY documents, staic pages and scripts, with the message "The document
contained no data".

I was short of time, I was playing with apache all the night a I have to go
to work in the morning, so I have enough time and I was not smart enough (no
sleep and no coffee ;-) to look at apache log file to look for something

Is it possible to guess what's going on from my not complete descritpion. I
would be happy for every piece of advice.


Mgr. Jakub Vosahlo
0603-80 30 27
Jakub Vosahlo - WWW prezentace
Tocita 29
140 00  Praha 4 - Krc
There's More Than One Way To Do It
But Always It's the Way of Perl

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