On Fri, 23 Jun 2000, Scott Alexander wrote:

> package Mf7::Globals;
> use strict;
> use vars qw($VERSION);
>       my (
>       $imgserver,
>       );
> $VERSION = '0.01';
> sub Initialize_globals {
> $imgserver = 'http://www.musiciansfriend.com';
> }
> 1;

Okay, this is an easy one.  You are declaring $imgserver as a lexical (my)
variable.  When Perl finishes executing this file, lexical variables go
out of scope.  You can fix this by making it a real global like $VERSION,
either with a use vars or with fully-qualified variable names.  You could
still use lexicals if you create subroutine closures to provide access to
them, but I think using globals is simpler.

> > Incidentally, the MF site is pretty fast.  Is it running on mod_perl now?
> Yep. Mod_perl and Apache::Registry saved us from having to get a 
> ton of new hardware.

You should submit something for the "success stories" and "sites running
mod_perl" pages on http://perl.apache.org/.  You might get a few free
clicks for your trouble.

- Perrin

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