On Wed, 28 Jun 2000, Drabb, James wrote:

> Is there anywhere I can go for info on getting started with mod_perl on
> win32 platform?
> I want to switch to Apache and Perl, but most info is on setting up on a
> *nix box.

At http://perl.apache.org/distributions.html, there's links
to Win32 mod_perl binaries. These include apache+perl+mod_perl -
at present you must use the included perl binary, as opposed to
ActiveState's perl. An example httpd.conf file for Apache 
is included that illustrates a basic mod_perl on Win32
configuration. These binaries are self-extracting
archives, and include instructions for installation. Also
in the readmes there's some Win32 specific things. However,
taking into account the basic limitations and differences
of Win32 as applied also to Perl and Apache in general, 
much of the basic mod_perl docs, and in particular the
guide at http://perl.apache.org/guide/, apply also to Win32.

best regards,
randy kobes

  • Win32 Drabb, James
    • Randy Kobes

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