got problem with the DBD-Oracle-1.03 module under
Solaris 8 with
Oracle 8.1.5. Things work fine when I set the
environment variable 
TWO_TASK=T:solaris:orcl but when I do this I have
problem running 
Oracle Server Manager (svrmgrl), so I will have to
unset the TWO_TASK 
variable again before launching svrmgrl. Is there a
workaround to this
problem? I have Perl 5.6.0 and mod_perl 1.2.4
installed with 
apache 1.3.12. (I also have installed the DBI module).

When I run a perl program which queries the Oracle 8i
database I get 
the results, but after it lists the records I get
Segmentation Fault -
Core Dumped.

I don't have any of these problems in my Linux Box
with Oracle 8

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