On Jul 04, 2000 at 14:40:26 +0100, Matt Sergeant twiddled the keys to say:
> Shouldn't DIR_MERGE be called when .htaccess files are found at different
> levels, e.g:
> /axkit/.htaccess
> and
> /axkit/test/.htaccess
> I ask for /axkit/test/test.xsp
> I would have expected it to ask for both .htaccess files and try and merge
> the two using DIR_MERGE, but it doesn't. Am I missing something, or is
> this expected functionality?

I can't answer that question, but a while back I noticed that sometimes
PerlSetVar's weren't being seen by $r->dir_config as I'd expected.
Namely, within the "global" section of a <VirtualHost>. I wrote a little
module as an example, but never got around to voicing anything about it.

>From what I saw then, DIR_MERGE nor SERVER_MERGE ever got called at all.
Maybe we're missing the same thing?

Rick Myers                            [EMAIL PROTECTED]
The Feynman Problem       1) Write down the problem.
Solving Algorithm         2) Think real hard.
                          3) Write down the answer.

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