
Instaled : FreeBSD 4.0 + Apache 1.3.12 + mod_perl 1.24 + FastCGI 0.52

1) I installed apache with mod_perl - the speed increased.But I didn't
understand HOW mod_perl optimizes use of resources and increases speed ?
Does it share perl interpreter, script or anything else?
2) Then I installed FastCGI - but I didn't see the differance. Speed and
memory usage remained the same. 

I test with mysql database (16000 records, 5 fields of different types)
SELECT * FROM TEST WHERE one < $a and one > $b;
Next, I open, read and parse 5Mb text file.
With LWP::Parallel::UserAgent perl module I send 10 parallel requests.

Do mod_perl and FastCGI installed in the same Apache server interact and
how do they interact if they do at all?

Was Lighte!
Yury XTC                        [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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