Sam Xie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Umm this list is for perl as a module in apache
>> not modules for perl...
>Yes! It is for a perl module in apache.  I am going to write a perl module, 
>which is capable to read a name list file in AFS for authenticattion and 
>authorization.  That's why I am studying on this issue.  
>Thanks for your help!

I would start with `man h2xs' (only a start), and get _Programming Perl_, 
which talks about it some, as does _The Perl Cookbook_, I believe.  Then 
there's the perlmodlib, perlxs, and perlxstut man pages.  The first covers 
writing perl modules, the second covers the xs interface, and the last is a 
tutorial.  After those, you might want to read perlguts (man page covering the 
internal functions within perl).  I haven't read through all these, but they 
would be my first place to look.
James Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, 979-862-3725
Texas A&M CIS Operating Systems Group, Unix

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