> Forgive me for the obvious and probably stupid questions, (especially
> since I didn't see the earlier posts in which you probably answered
> them =o)  but just for the record --

No problem. I appreciate your trying to help!

> Could you be misspelling "PerlAuthzHandler"? I note you said
> "PerlAuthzHandlers" with an 's' below.... Is that a feature I should
> kick myself for not being aware of? Or maybe just an email typo? Or a
> code error? (I do see it's a stack of handlerS, but....)

Heh. No, that was just a typo in my mail. I have it right in the handler
code, which I had attached.

> Why undefine the handlers? Could you just use
>  $r->set_handlers( PerlAuthzHandler => [ \&OK ] );
> or something?  Could that be part of the problem? (Though I don't see
> how.....I'm still pretty new to this.)

Well, setting it to undef is what is recommended in the "Apache Modules"
book (page 466), but I have tried setting it to \&OK. Setting it to \&OK
turns out to do nothing at all. The server ignores your attempted change
(even though it shows that it did change when you look at get_handlers) and
continues as if you never even called set_handlers.

Please, if you have the time and opportunity, give the AuthzCache a try. I'd
really like to know that others can reproduce the problem. It can wrap
around any perl Authz handler as follows:

PerlAuthzHandler Tivoli::Apache::AuthzCache <your authz handler here>


Christian Gilmore
Infrastructure & Tools Team Lead
Web & Multimedia Development
Tivoli Systems, Inc.

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