David Mitchell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> perldoc Devel::Peek and
> perldoc perlguts

Ok, done that.

I'm still not clear as to what Apache::Leak is trying to tell
me. Aside from the DESCRIPTION section of the man page saying "Under
Construction" making it seem like you've just asked a high-school
maths teacher a question and they do a "proof by waving hands around a

Hmm...let's look at Devel::Leak. Nope still none the wiser. I still
can't see how to find out what I've actually leaked. 

I've wrapped Apache::RegistryLexInfo round the script too. Yep, lots
of output, lots of differences between the state of memory before and
after a run of the script, but not much of a clue as to what's
actually _leaked_.

I'm not really sure if apparent leakage is really the result of code
coverage and perl being smart about holding slots for variables
open. In the case of using ab to exercise the default path through a
lump of code being run under 'httpd -X':

Iterations      SZ      RSS
1               17424   16088
100             17840   16296
1000            17840   16336 
10000           17840   16704

So, this script doesn't look at all leaky, once it's been executed a
few times.

And yet Apache::Leak consistently tells me I've leaked between 15 and
25 SV's per execution.

Any offers?

Dave Hodgkinson,                             http://www.hodgkinson.org
Editor-in-chief, The Highway Star           http://www.deep-purple.com
      Apache, mod_perl, MySQL, Sybase hired gun for, well, hire

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