Brian Leech wrote:
> I just compiled apache and mod_perl, and installed Apache::ASP.  Everytime
> I view an ASP page, I get an error like:
> Subroutine exit redefined at (eval 35) line 1.
> in my error_log.  Should this happen every time?
> -Brian

In a site's global perl namespace, in which all scripts
are executed, exit is aliased to $Response->End() with:

  sub exit { $main::Response->End(); }

This code is auto compiled as part of global.asa's code.

What platform do you have?  I have not seen this error 
message before, and I would like to work with you on
getting rid of it.

Note that this error could become fatal with the UseStrict 
setting, causing your scripts to not even run.

-- Joshua
Joshua Chamas                           Chamas Enterprises Inc.
NodeWorks >> free web link monitoring   Huntington Beach, CA  USA                1-714-625-4051

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