I am trying to work my way through Stein and MacEachern but having a few
teething troubles.
I am following the example code in Chapter 2 faithfully, have build and
installed mod_perl
(which now appears under httpd -l) and modified the configuration files
according to the suggestions in the book. ie:

Perl 5.6.0
Apache 1.3.12

ServerRoot is /usr/local/apache
underneath which I have created the lib/perl/Apache tree for holding
mod_perl modules,
and dutifully entered the required code in a file called Hello.pm in this

DocumentRoot is /usr/local/apache/htdocs

in httpd.conf I have added the following:
<IfModule mod_perl.c>
        Include conf/perl.conf

conf/perl.conf looks like this:
PerlRequire conf/startup.pl
PerlFreshRestart On

<Location /hello/world>
        SetHandler perl-script
        PerlHandler Apache::Hello


and startup.pl looks like this:

print "\n\tstartup.pl is attempting to modify the include path...\n\n";

        use Apache();
        use lib Apache->server_root_relative('lib/perl');

use Apache::Registry
use Apache::Constants
use CGI qw(-compile :all);
use CGI::Carp;


which I understood was going to update @INC to include my new module
library, and the <Location /hello/world> directive would realise that
Apache::Hello refered to <ServerRoot>/lib/perl/Apache/Hello.pm...

However, when attempting to access http://localhost/hello/world from a
browser it returns 404, and the errorlog shows the /hello/world URL appended
to DocumentRoot, so of course it can't find anything, it's expecting to find
a <DocumentRoot>/hello/world! Clearly I have misunderstood something here
but the Apache manual assures me that arguments to <Location>
are completely independent of the file system... any ideas?


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