On Mon, 17 Jul 2000, Trond Arve Nordheim wrote:

> Hi.
> I'm having problems with my Apache segfaulting when I run subroutines from
> modules that uses DBI. ([Mon Jul 17 13:55:22 2000] [notice] child pid 28327
> exit signal Segmentation fault (11)).
> It seems like the DBI->connection function causes this, but I'm not able to
> find out why. It's actually happening on BOTH my servers at home (OpenBSD
> and Slackware Linux), so I guess I made a "bobo" somewhere... Can anyone
> here guide me back on to the tracks ? ;)

I have exactly the same problem on a Suse Linux box, with MySQL 3.22.32,
Apache 1.3.12 and mod_perl 1.24.


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