Hello mod_perl-professionals,
I have tried to install the module Apache::DBILogger 0.93.
Installation worked fine, after installing DBI and Date::Format, but it does not write anything in the
I found the following error-msg in the httpd.error_log:
DBI->connect failed: Keine Zugriffsberechtigung für Benutzer: 'club@localhost' ....
[MOn Jul 17 22:53:35 2000] [error] Apache::DBILogger could not connect to DBI:mysql:httpdlog ....
I modified the grant table "db" ...
DBD::mysql::st execute failed: Unbekanntes Tabellenfeld 'usertrack' in field ....
[Mon Jul 17 22:56:40 2000] [error] Apache::DBILogger had problemds executing query ...
This was becaus of an missing field in the SQL-Structur-Dump in the Readme-File of the Tarball, I added the field ..
Since then, no further error-messages appear in the logfile, tough nothing is written into the DB.
Can anybody help me or give me a hint?
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