Hi all,

anyone thought of a 'date_field' element for CGI.pm (or StickyForms, etc.)?

this is my thought,

  use CGI qw/:standard/;
  print date_field(
    -name =>"expiry", 
    -year =>2000, 
    -day  =>25);
  $expiry_date = param('expiry');

which is an elegant way to do

  use CGI qw/:standard/;
  print textfield(-name=>'expiry_year', -value=>2000);
  print popup_menu(-name=>'expiry_month', -values=>[1..12], -default=>12);
  print popup_menu(-name=>'expiry_day', -values=>[1..31], -default=>25);
  $expiry_date = sprintf "%d-%d-%d", param('expiry_year'), 
                  param('expiry_month'), param('expiry_day');

and the date validation can be done in query string parsing too.

Thanks for any input.

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