On Tue, Jul 18, 2000 at 07:10:07PM -0700, Jim Serio wrote:
> I'm running Perl 5.6 and recently re-compiled Apache 1.3.12 and mod_perl 1.24
> and I'm not getting various redefined errors at startup that I never got 
> before. I've
> also made no changes to my startup file or httpd.conf. Here's a few of the 
> errors:
> -----
> Subroutine handler redefined at 
> /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.0/i686-linux/Apache/Registry.pm line 27.
> Subroutine compile redefined at 
> /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.0/i686-linux/Apache/Registry.pm line 173.
> -----
> They seem to be focused on Registry and DBI. When I remove the startup.pl
> file from httpd.conf, I get no errors.
> Here's the cgi-perl section of httpd.conf:
> -----
> <Location /cgi-perl/>
>          SetHandler perl-script
>          PerlModule Apache::Registry
>          PerlHandler Apache::Registry::handler
>          PerlModule Apache::DBI
>          PerlInitHandler Apache::StatINC
>          Options ExecCGI
>          PerlSendHeader On
> </Location>
> -----
> Here's part of my startup.pl file:
> -----
> use Apache::Registry ();
> use Apache::Constants ();
> use Apache::Sandwich ();
> use Apache::Include ();
> use DBI ();
> use Apache::DBI ();
> -----
> Should I not duplicate these modules and just have all of them in the
> startup file?
> Jim

from the ApacheDBI-0.87 README:
  " If you plan to use persistent database connections, there is only one thing
  to do: add the following configuration directive to conf/httpd.conf or to
  your startup.pl:
   PerlModule Apache::DBI    # this comes first !!
   ....                      # other modules using DBI
compare to your startup.pl.
might be relevant       

Carl Hansen
Pictopia.com, Inc.
510 841 6400 x 117

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