Hello everyone,

I`m  new  to  mod_perl,  but  still  i  want  to  learn as much as possible. I`m
currently plaing with subject. I have read the quide and here is what i have.
My perl startup file looks like this:
use Apache();
use Apache::Registry;
use Apache::DBI;
use lib map { "/home/ava/$_" } qw '.lib';
use strict;
$Apache::DBI::DEBUG = 2;
                                RaiseError => 1,
                                PrintError => 0,
                                AutoCommit => 1,
Apache::DBI->setPingTimeOut("dbi:driver:download:spider", 0);
Then i added the following lines to Apache::Registry module:
use vars qw !$dbh!;

$dbh ||= DBI->connect("dbi:mysql:site","user","password");
Added to .htaccess file
PerlModule Apache::DBI
Created a test script to check the setup:
my $dbh    = DBI->connect('dbi:mysql:site','user','password', {autocommit => 0});
my $sth    = $dbh->prepare("select LevelName from Classifytable");

if ($sth->execute) {
        while (my $name = $sth->fetchrow_array) {
                print "$name\n";
while  starting  the  server  i  also  started mysqladmin processlist in another
console to check what is going on.

18523 user ws08.hq download Sleep  176

This  is  when i started the server this connection went up and the number began
to increment. This means that Apache::DBI pings my connection. Am i right? Next i
started the script i have created and here we go with another connection:

18529 user ws08.hq download Sleep  6

Then  another  script  that also uses this connection and everything works fine.
But  when  i  tried  to  connect to the same database with the same options from
Embedded  perl  he  tried  to  use the main apache connection and did not open a
connection  itself  or  used  other  connections.  It  is  not  possible  to use
persistance from embperl? Can you explain. Maybe i have mistaken something?

Sorry for such a big post and for my english.

Best regards,
Alexei V. Alexandrov                   [AA4460, AVA32-RIPN, AA1829-RIPE]
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