This is a followup to an old message from June 19, to tie up loose ends.

A simple test case shows that the problem described here is a bug in
either,, or Perl.  Freezing and thawing an
object seems to destroy any overloaded operators of that object.  I'm
starting to pursue the issue with the authors.  I'll post here for
completeness if I get the issue resolved.

>  I'm trying to use Math::currency with sessions, and I've run into a
>stumper.  I initialize variables and make them Math::Currency objects, and
>display them just fine, but when I come back (unthaw the session) instead
>of seeing the value I get the reference showing
>"Math::Currency=HASH(0x86b022)" instead of the value as it showed the
>first time through.
>It's a reference going in, and a reference coming out, but for some reason
>it doesn't like being stuck into Apache::Session.
>I can work around it by testing if it's a Math::Currency reference, and
>call Math::Currency->new.  But this seems a little silly.  Anyone seen
>this before?
>Jay Jacobs

  -------------------                            -------------------
  Ken Williams                             Last Bastion of Euclidity
  [EMAIL PROTECTED]                            The Math Forum

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