> This is a strange one for which I hope there's a simple answer & solution.
> I've put a Front-side Proxy on a webserver (as it was struggling under the load
> from lots of hits over slow links - more RAM than CPU issue), and it's helped
> performance wonderfully!
> However, my IP-based restrictions now seem to no longer work! 
> Before you ask, yes, I'm using mod_proxy_add_forward, with a
> "PerlPostReadRequestHandler My::ProxyRemoteAddr" routine at the other end to
> rewrite the IP back using  $r->connection->remote_ip.
> So, yes, as far as my CGIs, my modules, and the logging is concerned, people
> are from their REAL IPs (rather than that of the FSP), but IP restrictions
> (using the standard mod_access) are not taking effect at all!
> Any ideas on why this is, and how to get around it? I've done some testing &
> research, and AFAICS, it should work, as Post Read Requests happen before the
> Access phase...

Which version of mod_perl are you using? I fixed this in 1.22_01.


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