
A couple of days ago, I installed mod_perl to speed up a CGI program I use
to generate HTML pages for my web site .

The CGI script is a perl script that ran fine before mod_perl, and now runs
fine with Internet Explorer, but Netscape Navigator insists on downloading
the page instead of executing it on the server and rendering the output.

The CGI script is called with an HTML anchor tag such as:

My httpd.conf file has the entry:

<Directory /usr/local/www/html/quotes>
    <Files ~ "\.cgi$">
        Options ExecCGI Includes
        SetHandler perl-script
        PerlHandler Apache::Registry
        PerlSendHeader Off
    AllowOverride None
    Options Indexes ExecCGI Includes
    Order allow,deny
    Allow from all

I embeded the <Files> section inside the <Directory> because I have other
cgi scripts in other directories that are compiled programs.

When I try 'PerlSendHeader On', Internet Explorer chokes on SSI tags after
'<!--#exec cgi=" ', displaying the name of the SSI script, e.g.,
'css.cgi">', while Netscape simply prints out the document (HTML tags and
all) without rendering it.

I searched the mailing list archives, but couldn't find anything about this.
I also printed out a lot of mod_perl documentation, but I've got about 800
pages to go through...

If someone has run into this before, I'd really appreciate hearing from you!



Dan O'Connor
On Matters of Most Grave Concern
FreeBSD Cheat Sheets

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