Stas wanted me to send this to the list, so I'll do that... I've
also done a little testing, and it looks like mod_status is
showing 4 keepalive connections on my old (1.2.6 redhat secure) SSL
server to my netscape 4.72 browser ... 

Srv  PID    Acc   MCPU  SSConn ChildSlot      Host             VHost            Request
0  13413 4/4/4    K0.08 4 0.9  0.00 0.00 GET 
/icons/burst.gif HTTP/1.0
2   8451 11/14/14 K0.23 4 3.0  0.01 0.01 GET 
/icons/forward.gif HTTP/1.0
3   8450 7/11/11  K0.35 4 1.6  0.01 0.01 GET 
/icons/sound.gif HTTP/1.0
4   8449 6/10/10  W0.31 0 5.0  0.01 0.01 GET 
/server-status HTTP/1.0

I'm not sure why only 28 files are shown in the "this connection"
column, there were 29 icons, an html file, and the status page...

  Srv Server number
  PID OS process ID
  Acc Number of accesses this connection / this child / this slot
   M  Mode of operation
  CPU CPU usage, number of seconds
  SS  Seconds since beginning of most recent request
 Conn Kilobytes transferred this connection
 ChildMegabytes transferred this child
 Slot Total megabytes transferred this slot

   Date: Tue, 8 Aug 2000 11:43:49 -0700 (PDT)
   From: Tom Brown <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
   To: Stas Bekman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
   Subject: Re: Proxy setup w/ SSL

   > > > initiating many connections and downloading all the objects (e.g. images)
   > > > in parallel, the objects are downloaded sequencially.
   > > 
   > > No. AFAIK It still opens up multiple/parallel connections... it just
   > > doesn't go through the handshake stuff repeatedly...
   > Really? That's what I was always told. Any pointers to read about
   > this. Thanks!

   Sorry, no... although it should be easy enought to test, even mod_status
   should provide enough information...

   Part of my logic is that the browser doesn't even know if the connection
   is going to be keep alive until it gets the first response... so if you
   load a page from, and it contains 20 images from there would have to be a "test load" of the first image
   before deciding whether to open up multiple connections ... strikes me as
   simpler to just proceed as normal and use the pipelining on all
   connections if it is available...  

   (maybe things are different for SSL than normal connections, but again, I
   can't see why they would be...)

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