On Mon, 14 Aug 2000, stevenl wrote:

> Thanks.  That seems to be the problem, accessing an outer lexical
> variable in an inner subroutine.  I'm not quite sure I understand why
> Perl behaves this way.  Java seems to handle this just fine with the
> expected behavior.

Because Perl != Java. And you are lucky that the last statement
returns true :) Of course the real explanation would require some reading
from you.

> I'm currently using:
> use CGI;
> my $query = new CGI();
> What is the best way to define a global value like $query if I want to
> 'use strict'.  I really don't want to be passing $query to all my
> subroutines.  I could package define it as $main::query but that seems
> awkward.


> -Steven
> Jie Gao wrote:
> > 
> > On Sat, 12 Aug 2000, stevenl wrote:
> > 
> > > I am running Linux 2.2, Apache 1.3.12, mod_perl 1.24, and CGI.pm 2.70.
> > >
> > > If I declare a CGI variable using 'my' (see below) and use mod_perl, I
> > > encounter problems with POST data.  On subsequent entries in the form,
> > > it continues to use the old data.
> > >
> > > The problem does not appear if I don't use 'my' (and therefore, unable
> > > to 'use strict'), or if I disable mod_perl from my httpd.conf file.
> > >
> > > You can test this out with these files.  First, run 'httpd -X'.  Then
> > > enter some data in the form.  On the next submit, the data is not
> > > changed.
> > >
> > > Note: The perl script displays the current HTML file plus what you
> > > just entered.
> > > ...
> > 
> > http://perl.apache.org/guide/perl.html#my_Scoped_Variable_in_Nested_S
> > 
> > Jie

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