On Fri, 11 Aug 2000, Wesley Darlington wrote:


> > Attempt to free unreferenced scalar.
> Yeah, we get those too. I don't know what they are either. *grin*
> Running without perlfreshrestart/graceful-restarts seems to help, 
> but this cure is worse than the disease - we just put up with the 
> slight memory leaks associated with the occasional graceful restart 
> and do a hard restart every week or two. It's only a minor niggle
> and someday I'll sort it out!

I experience the same problem, but it seems to occur only when using
Apache::AuthDBI. Any of you used it?


| Remco Schaar                                                         |
| e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]                                      |

    South Park meets Linux:
        - "Oh my God, they killed init!"
        - "You bastards!"

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