On Tue, 15 Aug 2000, Ian Mahuron wrote:

> What is the proper way to take the filehandle provided by $upload->fh and write the 
>file to disk?  I seem to be having buffering
> issues w/ the following (file is truncated):
> if (open(OUTFILE, ">$u_fullpath")) {
>       print OUTFILE $buffer while read($fh, $buffer, 8*1024);
> } else {
>       ...
> }
> a simple $| = 1; before the print didn't seem to help.. maybe OUTFILE is not hot?  
>Dunno.. this is my first run in w/ buffering
> issues.  I hope someone can help.
> Ian

here's what i do in one of my modules:

    my $file_size = $upload->size || 0;
    if ($file_size == 0) {
        return $self->err_out("You didn't supply a valid file.");

    # write the data to file, making sure what gets
    # written is the same as what we expected
    my $umask = umask 02;
    eval {
        no strict 'refs';
        my $fh     = $upload->fh or die 'No file handle';
        my $data   = '';
        my $length = 0;
            local *F;
            open(F, "> $file_path") or die "Failed to open '$file_path': $!";
            while ( read($fh, $data, 4096) ) {
                print F $data;
                $length += length($data);
            close F;
        if ($length != $file_size) {
            die "Failed to write '$file_path' to file";

    # reset umask
    umask $umask;



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