> -----Original Message-----
> From: Doug MacEachern [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Tuesday, August 15, 2000 11:22 PM
> To: Geoffrey Young
> Subject: Re: $r->get_handlers bug/oversight?
> On Tue, 25 Apr 2000, Geoffrey Young wrote:
> > Hi all...
> >     
> >     I've noticed that get_handlers() will return the 
> enabled handlers
> > for a PerlPostReadRequestHandler, but not when it is specified as a
> > PerlInitHandler (either by calling
> > $r->get_handlers('PerlPostReadRequestHandler') or
> > $r->get_handlers('PerlInitHandler').  It is the same with
> > PerlHeaderParserHandler.  An oversight?
> PerlInitHandler is just an alias for PerlPostReadRequestHandler and
> PerlHeaderParserHandler.  mod_perl can only know at config-time if
> InitHandler should be alias to PostReadRequest or 
> HeaderParser, i don't
> think get_handlers() can figure out which you mean at request time.

ack...  so the alias only goes one way?  I guess it makes sense that we
can't know at run time what the Init handler stands for, but how come
get_handlers('PerlInitHandler') comes up blank?  Isn't it just a table

> >     Also, I can't get anything for PerlCleanupHandlers, which kinda
> > makes sense, since Cleanup isn't really a phase, per se (at 
> least according
> > to the book).  Does it make sense to add this to 
> get_handlers() as well?
> the get_handlers() patch posted earlier should enable get/set of
> PerlCleanupHandlers.

well, it got the handler ok, but I couldn't set it properly:


my $r = shift;
$r->set_handlers(PerlCleanupHandler => [\&cleanup]);
print "done";

sub cleanup {
 warn "hi";

is a no go. same with using ['My::Cleanup'] as the arg...

I also noticed that the patch didn't fix the get_handlers() coderef bug:


my $r = shift;
$r->push_handlers(PerlCleanupHandler => sub { warn "hi"; });
#my $handlers = $r->get_handlers('PerlCleanupHandler');
print "done";

uncomment the get_handlers() line and the cleanup handler never runs and you
get "Attempt to free unreferenced scalar"

if you have some tuits :)



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