> > Here is a brief description of the module:
> >     PageKit is a set of Perl modules that provides an application
> > framework based on mod_perl and HTML::Template. It is based on the
> > Model/View/Controller approach to design, with complete seperation
> > of Perl from HTML. It includes session management, authentication, form
> > validation, sticky html forms, multiple views, modules and includes, and a
> > content management system.
> Can you expand on the functionality of the CMS part?

For now, the CMS part is really simple.  There are links on every page to
edit the HTML template components, if the user has permission to edit.
These links link to an edit page which edits the HTML template using one
big textarea box.

What would be much cooler would be to use XML and a content editor that
would translate an XML file into HTML form elements for places in the XML
document that the user can edit.  There is an interesting chapter (7) in
Open Source Linux Web Programming on this.

I am moving this discussion to [EMAIL PROTECTED], which
is a newly created list for discussing Apache::PageKit. To subscribe, go to


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