The problem is when I "apachectl restart" (SIGHUP), all Apache processes
die (no core dump). However, if I "apachectl stop", (SIGTERM) followed by
"apachectl start" everything is OK (no error_log error messages and every
thing works fine). 

My configuration is: apache_1.3.12/mod_perl-1.24/Perl-5.6.0/linux-2.2.14.
(I have mod_perl  linked  statically.:-)

In the httpd.conf file, I have:
PerlModule Apache::AutoIndex
PerlModule Apache::Icon
IndexOptions FancyIndexing
In error_log, after a SIGHUP, the following is recorded:
Syntax error on line 156 of /usr/local/apache/conf/httpd.conf:
Invalid command 'IndexOptions', perhaps mis-spelled or defined by a module
not included in the server configuration

Any help or guidance will be appreciated

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