I have not tried to build mod_perl as a DSO, but encountered these -Wl, +n flags 
during static module build of mod_perl 1.24 + Apache 1.3.12 on HPUX 11.00 - I edited 
them out of the Makefile... not terribly elegant but it did work 


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Kairam, Raj [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Wednesday, August 23, 2000 5:16 AM
> Cc:   Kairam, Raj
> Subject:      Building modperl as a DSO in Apache_1.3.12
> I am trying to build modperl ( mod_perl-1.24 ) as DSO in to Apache (
> apache_1.3.12 ) on a host running HP-UX 11.0
> Uncompressed and untarred the source in two parallel directories.
> /opt/apache_1.3.12
> /opt/mod_perl-1.24
> Created a file in /opt directory that contained options to be passed on to
> Makefile.PL
>  <<mod_perl.txt>> 
> I am using the HP supplied ANSI C Compiler.
> In /opt/mod_perl-1.24  directory
> ran 'perl Makefile.PL `cat ../mod_perl.txt` . It went OK.
> ran 'make' and I am getting the following error
>   ld: Unrecognized argument: -Wl -E
>   ld: Usage: ld flags ... files ...
> The output of make is captured in the following attachment
> The last line in the above file indicates the 'ld' command and the arguments
> '-Wl -E' are in that long line halfway.
> When I look at the generated Makefile, I see the two lines
> CCDLFLAGS = -Wl, E -Wl,-B,deferred
> How can I avoid this error ?. Any of you working with mod_perl on a HP-UX
> box encountered this situation ?.
> Any help would be greatly appreciated.
> Thanks

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