On Sun, 27 Aug 2000, Dmitry Beransky wrote:

> Hi,
> Well, it's not that it doesn't work, rather I can't get it work and this
> has been driving me nuts for two weeks (on and off).  I must be missing
> something obvious, but I can't figure out what it is.  Anyway, here's the
> problem:
> When the following asp is executed, it reports the size of the nodeset as
> zero, but if I strip out all html and simply run this as a perl script
> (also included below) off
> a command line, I get 1, just as I would expect.  I'm using ASP v.2.03 and
> Xpath v.098.  Any ideas what's going on?  Matt, Joshua...?

I don't know why its working on the command line and not in your web
page. Seems very odd to me. Have you tried setting $XML::XPath::Debug=1
and seeing if that shows anything suspect (expect LOTS of stuff to come
out). Also note that XML::XPath doesn't work with Perl 5.6 yet. I'm
uploading XML::XPath 0.99 today to fix that.


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