
Looking at _trivial_http_get:

    if ($code =~ /^30[1237]/ && $buf =~ /\012Location:\s*(\S+)/) {
           # redirect

So it certainly seems like it's *trying to handle it.

As I recall (it was a late night when I had an application that wasn't
working), I had single stepped down into the guts of LWP::Simple and
realized that it was returning a failure indicator when encountering a 302
status.  I had assumed that this was intended behavior, but now that I
look at the pod of what we've currently got installed (1.32), it sure
seems like it should work.

I'll look into this a bit to see if I can recreate it, but for now, let's
chalk it up to either (1) something that's been fixed since the version
that I was using at the time, or (2) I'm just out of my head.

More likely the latter...

Sorry for the confusion.

On 29 Aug 2000, Gisle Aas wrote:

> Steve Reppucci <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > Just a word of warning: LWP::Simple doesn't follow redirects (at least,
> > the last I checked, not sure if it's been changed in the 3 or 4
> > months since I've last used it...),
> If it does not follow redirects then that is a bug.  Do you have a
> test case?
> Not much has changed in the last 3 or 4 months either.
> Regards,
> Gisle

=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-  My God!  What have I done?  -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
Steve Reppucci                                       [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
Logical Choice Software                 |
508/958-0183                                                 Be Open |

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