Apache::Reload is a drop-in replacement for Apache::StatINC that does so
much more...

It provides two more options beyond StatINC. The first is a way that you
can register modules to be reloaded. To do this, simply add:

  use Apache::Reload;

to your module and it will automatically be detected by Apache::Reload as
one that needs to be checked for changes and reloaded on each request. In
this mode of operation, Apache::Reload only checks the change time of
registered modules, thus reducing the overhead of stat calls on every
module in %INC.

The new option with 0.03 is the ability to have a TouchFile. This is a
file somewhere on your filesystem that Apache::Reload stat()s on each
request to see if it has changed. If not it doesn't bother to check any of
your modules for changes. If it has been changed it will do the checks on
all of your registered modules (or all of %INC in the case where you're
using it as a replacement for StatINC).

0.03 also fixed a bug someone reported where lexical hash contents weren't
copied to the Apache children. Switching to a package hash solved this.

On its way to CPAN now. Have fun.


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